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We are commanded by God to prepare.




Prepare in this order: Spiritual, Mental, Physical

1) Jesus said, "YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN" This is not an option. He said, "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?"

Likewise, what good would it do you to store guns, food, water, and toilet paper ;) and fail to secure your own eternal soul?


Apply the information given in these scriptures:

John 3:16

Romans 3:23

Romans 6:23

Romans 10:9-10

Matthew chapters 5, 6, 7



Tell the Lord, "Change Me! Give me a love for you and the things of God!" Reconcile with others, because it pleases God greatly, and it will rejoice your soul! FROM THE HEART, forgive everyone who has offended you. Make restitution, so that others will forgive you. Obey Holy Spirit promptings. He will tell you if you have lied, stolen, lusted, or hated someone. Your job is to make those things right. This is how you will know you are a Christian. You will walk throughout your life that which you began by your initial prayer to receive Jesus as savior. Study the book of 1st John and ask to be fully converted to that type of person.

2) After this vital first step is completed, determine to become a lifelong bible reader and person of prayer. This will provide for your mental and emotional state better than any psychological exercise available. 

3) Let's say you're a family who has fled from The People's Socialist Republic of California, and you have no idea why you suddenly ended up in Arkansas or along the Appalachian chain of mountains, or someplace in the Rockies. One reason could be that God cares enough for you to relocate you to a much safer place. The hills of Arkansas and a very few other locales in the continental US have been revealed as safe havens when times of trouble begin.


Only a fool sits back and says, "Government will take care of me."  "Oh that could never happen here." "Oh, we won't see that in our lifetime."  "Oh, we don't need to make so much of that."  But we have a PERSONAL responsibility to prepare food and protection for our families and ourselves!   

The ant prepares its food in summer, so that it will not starve in winter. (Proverbs 30:24-28).  The farmer prepares for himself and others by sowing seeds that produce food. Governments prepare for the future by collecting taxes to provide services for citizens, by establishing armies and police to preserve civilization. 


We have been warned by experts, intelligence sources in our government, and prophets that evil HAMAS butchers and other groups are planning to commit atrocities in OUR American neighborhoods! Other countries marvel at our stupidity of allowing terrorists to stream in through our southern border by the millions. But of course those with a lick of sense know that these were invited here by treasonous politicians. Perilous times are here now! Prepare!


If you have prepared with PLENTY of non perishable foods (at least a year's worth for all family members) such as freeze dried, dry-ice packed beans and rice, canned goods, food supplements, salt, etc.. You will have to find a primitive way to cook these foods. And if you have medical supplies and EFFICIENT weapons, then you may elect to stay in your home. You will have to deal with lack of water, lack of toilet or bathing facilities, lack of warmth or cooling, and so on. It will be a struggle to survive. Unless you have been diligently preparing yourself both spiritually and physically, you will be a burden to all those who HAVE prepared. You will be tempted to turn in your friends, neighbors, and even family members for perceived offenses against the government or community. This in exchange for a few of the comforts of civilization. How you behave in this regard involves your personal salvation., so be warned!  Prepare first and foremost by reading the Word of God and talking to the Creator about everything. Those who prepare only physically will in the end, still be unprepared and in danger of their souls. 

If leaving your home becomes a necessity, you may not be able to go by automobile. Much of your travel will probably be on foot.


While 15-20 miles per day is possible for young hikers in flat country, expect 5 miles per day for older people and children carrying a pack in hilly terrain.   

When you reach your destination, you will still have to camp and use survival skills. This backpack can determine whether you even reach your goal. 


List all items on an index card and their location in the pack.  Laminate card in plastic, store card in exterior pocket of pack.  


Comfortable, QUALITY large backpack w/ reinforced stress areas and multiple compartments. Dark earth tone colors.  Research online, then buy.

Inside, pack most of these items in colored waterproof or nylon bags by category: (All images below are clickable links.)



Compact large print Bible

Outdoor survival book pocket style

Several pens/pencils, wire notepads.

Sturdy reading glasses in sturdy case. 

Store these in waterproof bag within the pack.



1qt military canteen  w/waist belt  (fill it before leaving and wear it while hiking)   

Large collapsible water bag

Water Purification tablets  (you can carry only enough water to get you started) 

Water filter straw-type.  Sawyer recommended.

Sturdy medium-sized bottles with DISTILLED water totaling  at least 1 gallon , more if possible.  Empty Gatorade or Minute Maid bottles are thick and strong.  



At least 2 MRE’s

Other dried food

Survival energy/ hi-protein bars.

Whey protein Isolate powder

Mess kit for food prep

(small pan, cup, utensils such as "Eatin tool") Stainless or enamel, not aluminum. 

QUALITY Vitamin/mineral supplements well sealed.  Extra Ester-C and D3 5000. 





Heavy Multi-tool (Gerber or Leatherman type) in sheath

Large fixed-blade knife w sheath survival type easy to sharpen CARBON steel. 

Pocket knife—GOOD QUALITY SUCH AS Buck, Uncle Henry, or Case 

Small, light hatchet with sheath  (this tool will be much used) Cobalt quality such as Lowes sells  

"Rada" brand sharpener

Diamond Whet stone  

Compact tool kit   

.22 "long rifle" ammo--several boxes.  (Even if not used, they are excellent for bartering) 

Bow and arrows (You may run out of ammo)


(Repair and rigging)

50' Paracord (the genuine 550 military type) 

Small sewing kit

Awl for working leather or tough fabric 

Spool of artificial sinew 

Duct tape

Electrical tape


(Fire and comfort) 

Magnesium fire striker

Sealed strike-anywhere matches or survival matches

Sterno fuel cans

Tea and coffee bags sealed in plastic

Bullion cubes

Small individually wrapped dark chocolate bars

Container of Himalayan pink salt.  IMPORTANT.


First Aid kit. Well-stocked but compact. Include emergency surgery items. 


(Hygiene and storage)

Small squeeze bottle of hand soap and/or sanitizer 

Tube of Desitin  

 Heavy Zip lock freezer bags—gallon, qt, snack sizes.  

 Aluminum foil  

Toilet paper

 Dark color washcloth. If t-paper gone, use washcloth.  Wash it out after use.      

Personal Hygiene items


(Clothing and warmth--dark or earth tone colors)

Space blanket or personal-sized tarp. 

Waterproof "shell" Hoodie with light insulation

Rain Poncho--very important 

Good cap w light in brim and collapsible  floppy hat w/brim. 

Blue or brown Bandana  

Hi-tech thin long underwear 

Spare undies, t-shirts, socks



Small QUALITY aluminum flashlight w/ L.E.D. bulb(s). Doug Ritter MkII Photon Freedom Micro is recommended

Spare cheap flashlights and batteries

Caps with lighted brims or headlamps give convenient and adequate light.  

Candle lantern and spare survival candles.







Redistribute items / weight if necessary for the stronger/weaker members of the group.  


These are BASIC items. Assuming you are already going to be wearing good athletic shoes or walking boots, jeans with heavy belt, long sleeve shirt, cap, jacket with gloves in pocket, etc. then the contents of this pack will work well.  

Otherwise you will have to increase the volume and weight of the pack by including clothing suitable for long walks in uneven terrain. I have learned FROM EXPERIENCE (deer hunts and other outings) that normal casual clothing can paralyze your movement and potentially kill you in an extended outdoor situation. 


At least every other person in your party should carry a lightweight, top quality .22 auto rifle with a sling.  The Ruger 10/22 stainless with synthetic stock and spare magazines is ideal. It now comes in a take-down model.








Small Game and Personal Defense               







Big Game and Defense

Also, someone who has trained with a large caliber handgun should carry it ready on their person at all times. And someone should carry a synthetic stock clip-fed semi-auto centerfire rifle with scope. Due to heat tolerance issues, this should be a military grade weapon, since unlike sporting weapons, military grade weapons do not overheat and lock up after a number of rounds.


A lightweight walking stick is a necessity in all but very flat terrain.  


A SMALL fire, hot drink, and small snack provides necessary psychological comfort.  Do not skimp on items in this category.


The purpose of this is to get you where you are going.  

All the water and some other of the vital supplies in the pack will be depleted after two days, so you must either replenish as you go or pray for God to send the ravens. 

Avoid other people unless the Lord leads you to them. 

Walk steadily with perseverance and positive words toward your destination.  

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This dream was given to a sister in the Lord, who is known for humility and a great work ethic. She is humbled that the Lord would share this dream with her.


"I had the most horrific dream I’ve ever had in my life! I can’t remember it all, but it was horrible and nothing but mayhem. There were people in the streets just killing people. It started off with the evil people being revealed in the workplace and at gatherings, but by the end, it was the whole city. They had guns given to them. Someone was just handing them out like candy and people were just taking them and just shooting people for fun. I remember running with children trying to find safety and some dying on the way. I was trying to get to some kind of an apartment or something and the people were just coming in droves just laughing and shooting, thinking it was all fun.


The thing that stood out the most, that I can remember so plainly, was they were all wearing a patch and t-shirts and hoodies with the same insignia. It said, “UPChurch Rising” with a bloody hand underneath. (Probably apostate and "woke" churches) It was so horrific.

I was just running and hiding trying to get to this one specific place for some reason, but what woke me up was as I was trampling over dead bodies in what looked like to be a hall in a hotel or something. It had rooms on both sides and there were bodies everywhere. But as I was trampling to get over them with babies in my hands, I looked down and saw my oldest son. He was littered with bullet holes, but still barely alive. I fell to my knees trying to save him, but he died and that’s when I woke up. I woke exactly at 3:00 AM and just prayed and was just beside myself. I don't know why, but I had to tell you guys. I’m not as shaken up by my son, because I knew it was my son in the dream, but it didn’t look like him as I know him. What I remember most is specifically the insignia they were wearing, the word UpChurch, and the guns everywhere on the streets. I mean it, I remember a puddle of rain on the street and there were 3 guns just lying in the puddle. They were all 9 mm, all matched, all black, and looked exactly the same. It was pure evil and chaos." 😢


Author's Note:

The bloody hand is generally recognized through the centuries as pertaining to extreme violence. MANY are receiving dreams like this!

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