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I was a "normal" Christian, on my way to hell!  In other words, I was  LUKEWARM (Revelation 3:16).  I had prayed a sinner's prayer a long time ago, attended church, even read the Bible.  But I did not practice what was written there as basic requirements to qualify for heaven. 

Using Revelation 3:14-22, I composed the following poem:

"As a good Laodicean, I've always been told
Don't ever be too hot, don't ever be too cold.
Attend on Sunday mornings, but never be affected,
we have a status quo, you know, and it must be protected.
What more could I ask for--I've seen my goods increase,
(A sure sign God is pleased with me), so why not take my ease?
But lately I've been feeling kind of wretched, blind, and naked,
And worry maybe when I die my body might get bak-ed.
The gold First Peter talks about in chapter one verse seven,
I'll buy refined by Jesus, so I can go to heaven.
So far I've run a sluggish race, when I could have been a comet;
I'll now obey Him faithfully, so I won't become his..."

Purity:  Revelation 21:7-8
I did not keep my mind pure--I allowed lustful thoughts.
I did not practice total truthfulness in all things. ("ALL liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone...")
I had unforgiveness toward some people--I wanted to punch their lights out. I hoped God would get them! (Matthew 6:14-15)
It was not until God mercifully allowed fire and pressure in my life that I went deep with Him and realized He MEANS it when He says be holy. (I Peter 1:16, Hebrews 12:14) We CAN overcome when we want to!  Jesus provides the power to accomplish this. But you must WANT to overcome. Remember, only the holy and only overcomers inherit the Kingdom of God--Rev 21:7. Therefore, ASK God to make you an overcomer. He has plenty of fire and pressure to bless you with! AT FIRST, you will cry and beg God to take it away, but later you will thank Him.

Now, the subject of Judgment:   Like many, I too was a skeptic about God's judgment on this country. But when you get serious with God about what's on His heart, He'll reveal himself to you. Fervent prayer with fasting is the primary way to open communication with Him.  I mean water only for 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, or if you are young and healthy enough, 21 days.  Some have gone 40 days.  
At other times, only prayer--disciplined prayer and Bible reading for an extended time will put you in a position to hear God speak. It was in such a time that after 3 weeks of seeking God about our nation, He woke me at 3:10 am and spoke these words to me:
"Read Isaiah 24." 
Were these words audible?  I only know they were spoken into my right ear and they were audible to me. 
I was given to understand that what I read would pertain to our country.  I read it and began to shake and weep.  Go there, and with prayer preparation read it for yourself.  Don't read margin notes by some man.  Read God's words.  Actually, chapters 24, 25, and 26 form a "trilogy" of chapters on the same event--God's righteous judgment of wickedness in the world.        

Are you a sheep or a goat?

Be honest with yourself as you listen to the following song.

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